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Devon County Council - Committee Report

Code No: SC/15/9

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Supplementary Information



10 June 2015

Public Transport Budget: Proposed Implementation of Supported Bus Service Reductions

Report of the Head of Services for Communities

Please note that the following recommendations are subject to consideration and determination by the Cabinet (and confirmation under the provisions of the Council's Constitution) before taking effect.


(a) that the outcome of the public consultation on proposed supported bus service reductions is noted;

(b) that the revised proposals are considered and referred to Place Scrutiny Committee prior to final decisions being made.

1. Summary

To contribute towards the reduced County Council budget a reduction in the Public Transport Budget of 1.762m p.a. is planned. The supported service reductions necessary to meet this target have been the subject to public consultation. The Council has undertaken a full consultation exercise and has the capacity to take comments into consideration in certain circumstances. In the consideration of the results of the consultation exercise and an updated assessment of cost projections, the outcome is a number of revisions to the proposed bus service reductions, whilst still achieving the reduced budget target.

2. Background/Introduction

The Public Transport Budget for 2014/15 was 5.772m of which 5.376m was used for DCC-funded bus services and 0.396m for Community Transport support.

A reduction in the 2015/16 budget of 1.762m is proposed to be implemented during 2015 to provide for savings of at least 1.081m in 2015/16 with the full-year effect achieved in 2016/17.

3. Public Consultation

A set of proposed bus service reductions designed to achieve the budget reduction have been the subject of a public consultation exercise which ended on 20th April. A report on the consultation appears as Appendix A to this report.

Over 2,600 questionnaire responses were received. In addition to this we also received a significant amount of correspondence, including letters and emails, from individuals, organisations, District, Town and Parish Councils. In several instances, organisations, communities and individuals developed their own approach to gaining momentum and feedback around the consultation proposals. Several petitions were also received as listed in the report on the consultation.

A number of respondents have made great effort to comment in detail and raised helpful questions and suggestions. This has led to further analysis of the options available.

The responses to the consultation supported our approach of "thinning" rather than withdrawing services completely. Respondents naturally focussed on personal impacts not wishing to see detrimental changes to their own services.

4. Proposal

The full list of proposals together with proposals for some reinstatements or other alterations appears as Appendix B to this report. In summary, the proposed changes are as follows:

(a) The proposed reinstatements have the effect of now reducing the number of estimated passenger trips no longer catered for from almost 400,000 to just under 170,000 - out of a total 4,500,000 on all supported services. This means that over 96% of passenger trips on the supported network would carry on unaffected by the service reductions.

(b) The best-used evening and Sunday services would be reinstated either in full or with reduced timetables. These services would then meet a slightly amended support criterion of 1.40 per passenger trip (instead of the previously proposed 1). The consultation process together with our own further examination of these services has highlighted their use for work travel.

(c) Town services in Crediton and Ottery St. Mary on two days a week and a daily shopping-time service to Topsham Quay to be retained for the remainder of the current financial year so as to give community groups further time to consider their position with regard to possibly taking these on. This measure is to be funded from the 'one-off' 100,000 included in the 2015/2016 budget. In Okehampton the Community Transport Association are considering an enhanced Ring & Ride service for those parts of town which would be less well served by the alternative bus services.

(d) Other reinstatements in response to the consultation, for example, reinstated days of operation or levels of provision - these being those services which affect larger numbers of passengers.

(e) Other revisions to the proposals which can be achieved at no cost - mostly minor timetable changes or changes to the day of operation.

(f) The 100,000 Community Transport Fund to continue to be spent on bus service support and to be progressively transferred to community groups as and when community-based initiatives come to fruition. There is some interest from community groups in a range of services, as well as the small town routes. The invitation to groups to consider options extends beyond the proposed list of service withdrawals to the entire supported network. Indeed, the most promising in terms of passenger numbers and cost-effectiveness are more likely to be those not on the list of withdrawals, since those proposed for complete withdrawal are generally so poorly used.

(g) The basis of community transport operations is either Section 22 (Community Bus) or Section 19 (usually in the form of Ring & Ride, available to defined categories of passengers, such as frail elderly or disabled or those in rural isolation). Section 22 Community Buses are directly equivalent to other local bus services and as such are part of the statutory free concessionary travel scheme. On Section 19 services, however, the concessionary pass is not valid. Authorities have the discretion to extend the concessionary scheme to Section 19, but to date Devon has opted not to do so on grounds of cost and it is not proposed to change this position. (Section 19 services are normally flexibly routed and bookable, which, under statutory regulations gives further grounds for exclusion of a service from the concessionary scheme). This means that in cases where a Section 19 Ring & Ride type of service replaces a supported local bus service passengers formerly enjoying free concessionary travel lose this facility. They do however retain a transport service where it might otherwise have been entirely lost. Moreover, a Section 19 community service in some ways offers a superior service by virtue of picking passengers up at their home address and offering some flexibility on travel times.

Extending free concessionary travel to Section 19 Ring & Ride services would also highlight the situation on Fare Cars, where concessions are also not available. Free concessions on Fare Cars would entail further cost to the scheme.

The County Council encourages community transport groups to apply for Section 22 Community Bus permits.

(h) In partnership with Dartmoor National Park, instead of withdrawal, to support the Haytor Hopper for the standard summer season (May to September) instead of the current arrangement that includes early and late shoulder periods (April to October). This is our strongest leisure service and has benefitted from the promotional efforts of the National Park. One other leisure service - the 300 Ilfracombe - Minehead - may benefit from a future commercial initiative.

(i) No revisions are proposed to the withdrawal of services for non-entitled school pupils. The County Council's Tough Choices consultation on budget priorities cited home to school transport as a low priority. This category of supported bus service is not part of our statutory provision and its removal started in April 2011. The current proposals therefore represent a completion of this process consistent with the April 2011 approach.

(j) Support for Shopmobility is proposed to be reduced on a phased basis with the aim of this facility becoming self-sustaining, possibly with funding from external sources. In implementing the phased reduction account will be taken of the possible impact on provider organizations.

(k) It is proposed to go ahead with one change to the concessionary travel scheme, viz. the exclusion of certain services on grounds of their being provided primarily for tourism. These are further to those services which were excluded for the same reason in April 2014.

(l) It is proposed not to proceed with the removal of free concessionary travel after 2300 at night, and the further limiting of exceptional pre-0930 free travel. This is in response to comments made in the consultation.

5. Financial Considerations

The proposals will achieve a reduction in County Council budgets of 1.762m per year, 1.081m in 2015/2016. The budget projection up to and including 2016/2017 is based on the current situation and includes a reasonable contingency for events such as commercial service withdrawals and less favourable tendering and contracting outcomes. Any significant unforeseen events beyond the County Council's control could necessitate a further review of supported services.

The County Council currently receives from the Government 994,000 a year as devolved Bus Service Operator Grant. This dates from January 2014 when BSOG (formerly Fuel Duty Rebate) ceased to be payable on tendered services and was transferred to local authorities as 'devolved BSOG.' The funding is ring-fenced and is used to support local bus services. It is anticipated that continued payment of devolved BSOG will be subject to review by the Government in April 2017.

6. Environmental Impact Considerations

With regard to the original set of proposed reductions, it was assessed that there would be a negative effect on the environment through a consequent likely increase in traffic, increased vehicle emissions and reduced resilience to the effects of climate change.

The revised proposals, which mean that over 96% of passenger trips on the supported service network will carry on being catered for, will significantly reduce these impacts.

7. Equality Considerations

Where relevant to the decision, the Equality Act 2010 Public Sector Equality Duty requires decision makers to give due regard to the need to:

eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other prohibited conduct;

advance equality by encouraging participation, removing disadvantage, taking account of disabilities and meeting people's needs; and

foster good relations between people by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding.

Taking account of age, disability, race/ethnicity (includes Gypsies and Travellers), gender and gender identity, religion and belief, sexual orientation, pregnant women/new and breastfeeding mothers, marriage/civil partnership status in coming to a decision, a decision maker may also consider other relevant factors such as caring responsibilities, rural isolation or socio-economic disadvantage.

This may be achieved, for example, through completing a full Equality Impact Needs Assessment/Impact Assessment or other form of options/project management appraisal that achieves the same objective.

A copy of the Impact Assessment was previously circulated to Cabinet Members and is available on the Council's website at:

8. Legal Considerations

The County Council's actions are in compliance with Section 63 of the Transport Act 1985 as amended by Section 68 (2) of the Local Transport Act 2008:

Section 63 (1): In each non-metropolitan county of England and Wales it shall be the duty of the county council--

(a) to secure the provision of such public passenger transport services as the council consider it appropriate to secure to meet any public transport requirements within the county which would not in their view be met apart from any action taken by them for that purpose;

Under Devon County Council's current practice, services are assessed by means of a calculation of subsidy per passenger trip, based on at least the most recent twelve months' data, verified where appropriate by sample surveys.

The aim of the criteria is to achieve the best value allocation of available budget in terms of meeting the reasonable needs of as many communities and as many local bus passengers as possible.

Having due regard to the needs of different communities, the criteria include differential maximum permitted subsidy thresholds reflecting in particular a higher allowance for services typically covering rural areas and those carrying smaller numbers. The Council is aware that such services carry a high proportion of older people, people with disabilities and people who would otherwise suffer rural isolation.

In seeking to serve as many communities as possible, all modes of public transport provision are considered - conventional bus service (commercial and subsidized), Community Bus (under Section 22 of the Transport Act 1985), Taxibus, Fare Car (shared Private Hire Car), Ring & Ride (under Section 19 of the Transport Act 1985) and community car schemes.

The needs of elderly people and people with disabilities are specifically considered through the vehicle standards required on supported local bus service contracts and by supporting the wider public transport network which includes dedicated facilities provided through the community sector.

Subsidized local bus services in Devon are secured within the terms of Sections 89 to 92 of the Transport Act 1985 with reference to tendering, together with the Service Subsidy Agreements (Tendering) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 which allow de minimis exemptions from tendering.

Devon County Council also works with bus companies to encourage the provision of commercial (unsubsidized) services to the best possible standard and where possible and appropriate to enhance these with supported additions, thereby optimizing both commercial potential and the allocation of subsidy. The County Council does not seek to duplicate, nor abstract passengers from commercial bus services.

Community Transport buses and minibuses operate under Section 19 or Section 22 of the Transport Act 1985. Community car schemes operate under Section 1(4) of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981. The County Council assists some schemes by means of annual grants as well as providing comprehensive legal, financial and operational advice to those community transport groups who request it.

Concessionary Bus Travel arrangements in Devon comply with the Transport Act 1985, the Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007, the Travel Concessions (Eligible Services) Order 2002 and the Travel Concessions (Eligible Services) (Amendment) Order 2009.

9. Risk Management Considerations

This policy/proposal has been assessed and all necessary safeguards or action has been taken/included to safeguard the Council's position.

10. Public Health Impact

The Impact Assessment has identified the positive contribution of bus services towards public health, and a consequent negative effect of a significant reduction in the network.

11. Discussion

It is not possible to implement a bus service support budget reduction on this scale without having some impact on the travelling public by, at best, reducing choice of travel options and at worst removing some opportunities to travel for the required purpose. The County Council's approach, in response to the Impact Assessment and the subsequent public consultation, has been to keep these impacts to a minimum in terms of the number of people affected, to avoid leaving any community isolated (taking into account both public and community transport facilities) and to afford proportionately greater levels of support to areas where passenger usage is inevitably lower and costs higher.

Proposals for better bus services are not difficult to put forward, as evidenced in responses to the consultation, but Devon's major challenge - in common with other rural authorities - is how to satisfy expectations in terms of frequent transport services (however they are provided, whether conventional bus or 'alternative' modes) when the level of actual usage, however well promoted the service may be, falls far short of that required to ensure a sustainable subsidy requirement and indeed far short of their advocates' assumptions.

Cost per passenger criteria are not an end in themselves and no specific criterion is inherently 'correct.' The system is designed to provide a basis for day-to-day analysis of supported services which will reflect priorities and relative value for money. The alternative is a potentially highly subjective and theoretical assessment of 'need' and possibly the provision of services for assumed requirements irrespective of actual passenger usage and costs.

Comparison of passenger numbers and cost is not intended to underestimate the importance of services to each individual passenger, be they one of a dozen per day on a heavily subsidized once-weekly market-day bus or one of hundreds on an almost-commercial hourly urban route. However, our approach rests on the view that it is reasonable to evaluate local bus services according to how many passengers actually use them and whether the cost of provision is acceptable in relation to the level of usage.

12. Options/Alternatives

If budget reductions are unavoidable, then the approach to this service review, the public consultation and subsequent recommended alterations to the proposals represent a sound way forward.

Any significant further service reinstatements beyond those now proposed are not possible within the revised budget.

13. Reason for Recommendation/Conclusion

The recommendations will provide the most effective way of achieving the required reduction in public transport expenditure as a contribution to the reduced overall DCC budget.

John Smith

Head of Services for Communities

Electoral Divisions: All

Cabinet Member for Highway Management and Flood Prevention: Councillor Stuart Hughes

Strategic Director, Place: Heather Barnes

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Damien Jones

Room No. County Hall, Topsham Road, EXETER. EX2 4QD

Tel No: (01392) 383000

Background Paper


File Reference


dj180515cab Public Transport Proposed Implementation of Supported Bus Service Reductions hk 05 280515

Appendix A

To SC/15/9

Public Transport Review 2015

Analysis of Consultation Results


1.1 Background and Introduction

To help meet the 50 million budget reduction required by Government spending cuts in 2015-2016, we are faced with making savings of 1.7m from our annual public transport budget. This is the first time that we have proposed making service reductions for four years.

Most bus services in Devon are run commercially by bus companies at no cost to the Council. However, we spend 5.376m a year to support nearly 200 public bus services, carrying around 4.5m passengers every year. These services would not run without this support.

We also manage the National Bus Pass Scheme for 175,000 pass holders in Devon. This costs us more than 9m every year, and is governed by statutory legislation from central government. Efficiencies have already been achieved across the wider Transport Co-ordination Service to meet previous savings targets.

This report outlines the results of the consultation, as well as recommendations to implement some of the proposals, taking into account the consultation findings, to achieve the savings. You may also wish to read the report which was prepared for Cabinet and provides more detail around the criterion defined to prioritise the proposals, and the decisions for recommendations. This can be viewed here: insert hyperlink when available.

Please note - All recommendations are subject to Cabinet approval, which is likely to be in July 2015. Cabinet will take into account all financial impacts as well as the consultation responses.

1.2 Consultation Objectives

The consultation was carried out to gather the views of those who would be affected by the proposed changes. The objectives of the consultation were as follows:

To see if respondents agreed or disagreed with the proposals.

To identify any alternative proposals the respondents have that could save money.

To understand the impact the proposals would have on the respondents.

To identify alternatives to mitigate or reduce impacts.

1.3 Methodology and Summary of Results

The consultation was open for a period of 12 weeks from 26th January to 20th April, 2015.

Devon County Council's approach to public consultations is "digital by design", meaning that respondents would be encouraged, wherever possible, to submit their views on the proposals via an online survey. However, taking into account the fact that a large proportion of service users would not necessarily be online, we also approached gathering views in other ways.

  • Online survey; this was completed by over 2,300 respondents. It was promoted via the DCC website, Journey Devon website, social media channels, several press releases, and more locally through district, town and parish councils. We also contacted bus operators and provided posters advertising the consultation to be displayed on all their vehicles.
  • Distribution of paper surveys; these were produced and distributed as requested via our Customer Service Centre. A total of 286 paper surveys were received.
  • Focus groups were also held with five separate groups with protected characteristics as defined in the impact assessment. This piece of work was commissioned and completed by Fusion; a network of local organisations supporting people with disabilities, older people, younger people, carers and people with mental health issues. Results from these focus groups have been included in the overall results of this report.

In total over 2,600 questionnaire responses were received. In addition to this we also received a significant amount of correspondence, including letters and emails, from individuals, organisations, district, town and parish councils. All individuals who contacted us in this way were written to and invited to complete the formal questionnaire. All correspondence received was duly noted in the consultation analysis.

In several instances, organisations, communities and individuals developed their own approach to gaining momentum and feedback around the consultation proposals. Where we were able to, we extracted data to add to the consultation results. Several petitions were also received as detailed in Appendix A.

1.4 Demographics of Respondents

The following charts show the demographics of respondents.

Which age band are you in?

What gender are you?

How would you describe your ethnic origin?

Almost one third of respondents said they had a health problem or disability which limited their day-to-day activities. Along with the focus groups, we feel that we have acted reasonably and proportionately in gaining opinions from a fair and proportionate sample of individuals with disabilities, and other groups with protected characteristics.

Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?

2.0 Key Findings

Please note - All recommendations are subject to Cabinet approval, which is likely to be in July 2015. Cabinet will take into account all financial impacts as well as the consultation responses.

You may also wish to read the report which was prepared for Cabinet and provides more detail around the criterion for the proposals, and the decisions for recommendations.

2.1 Question 1: Service Priority

Devon County Council spends 5.376m a year on nearly 200 public bus services in Devon. These services would not run without this support.

In relation to these Council supported services only, how important do you think local bus services are for the following purposes?


This question was aimed at gaining people's views on the priority the council should give to different types of service when considering the proposals to make savings. The County Council's differential subsidy-per-passenger criteria afford proportionately higher levels of support to some services (e.g. last remaining weekly link to a town) than to others (e.g. services to access leisure).

The results from the consultation reflected our priorities when putting together the proposals, with some observations which require comment:

Leisure Trips

"Leisure services" in this context are those provided primarily for leisure trips. Other services provide for leisure trips as one element of total usage.

When preparing the proposals, we lowered the subsidy per passenger threshold for leisure services. Looking at the results, this appears not to reflect their perceived importance. However, with one exception, the leisure services we currently support and which are proposed for withdrawal, are so far short of meeting the criterion that to reinstate all of them would require, compared with other service categories, a far greater commitment even than that appearing to be supported by the consultation result.

Accessing shops and services (in towns)

Our significant lowering of the criterion for support of town services does not reflect their perceived importance. Opinion showed they should be given a higher priority than evening and Sunday services, with over 80% of respondents categorising these services as very important or important. The main problem rests with the services in small towns. However, having raised the criteria, those proposed for withdrawal are generally far short of even the more generous criterion proposed.

This is perhaps our most challenging issue. Isolation can exist in towns as well as in rural areas. People may have moved from a rural area into town in the reasonable expectation of a continuing bus service.

Evening and Sunday travel

Our attention has been drawn to people going to and from work in the evenings. Responses have also referred to the overall attractiveness of local bus services and in this regard an evening and Sunday service is an important factor in retaining good levels of patronage which contribute to overall viability of a commercial service, as well as affording full opportunities to local people, particularly for work. Part-time and irregular work opportunities do not conform to conventional patterns and this has been highlighted by the consultation and is indeed supported by our own observations of service usage.

The relatively lower priority assigned to evening and Sunday travel does not reflect the high level of passenger usage of this category of service. In terms of number of responses, two evening services (the 1 and the 5) on the proposal list have over a hundred responses each - amongst the biggest numbers of response for individual services.

Over 73% of respondents felt that "travelling in the evening" was very important or important, and 66% felt the same regarding Sunday Services. Even these results do not reflect the content or strength of arguments put forward regarding evening and Sunday services.

48% of respondents who completed the consultation were over 65. As elderly passengers were less likely to favour evening services (only 65% of respondents over 65 felt that "travelling in the evening" was very important or important, compared to an overall majority of 73%), this could partly account for the lower rating in comparison to the strength of comments.

2.2 Question 2: Changes to Services

If services have to be changed to make savings, what would your preferred option be?

This question asked people if they agreed with the review's general approach. Overwhelmingly, they do agree.

Suggestions were made to reduce day time frequencies of services; as these were for commercially run services, operated by bus companies, the county council does not have any scope to do this, and therefore it lies outside the remit of the consultation. This would also not be financially beneficial for the network.

The review of supported services does aim to avoid excessive or over-generous commitments on any one route at the expense of other areas - but always takes into account actual levels of passenger usage and costs.

The review particularly features different types of operation (including use of the community sector), timetable revisions and combinations of services and ensuring that no community is left unserved.

2.3 Question 3: Proposed Service Changes

The proposed service changes covered the whole of the county and over 100 individual proposals. In total we received over 2,900 responses to the proposals. Individuals were given the opportunity to comment on as many of these proposals as they wished.

Do you support the proposal for the service you are commenting on?

What purpose do you use this service for?

Responses per geographical area


It is not surprising that most people do not welcome a proposed reduction in their bus service. However, it is notable that as many as 19% expressed agreement with the proposals.

Please see Appendix B for details of how proposals for individual services will be affected following the consultation. All recommendations are subject to Cabinet approval, which is likely to be in July 2015. Cabinet will take into account all financial impacts as well as the consultation responses.

Analysis of comments on proposed service changes

The vast majority of suggestions generally fell into the following categories:

Reduce the service (or ideally another service) rather than cut completely

Use a smaller bus, community bus, or alternative vehicle, e.g. post bus

Do not reduce the service

Raise Council Tax

Charge for the Concessionary Pass

Improve the service to increase passenger numbers

Fares suggestions to both increase and decrease passenger fares

Other comments focused on personal impacts of service reductions, such as problems getting to and from work, or medical appointments.

It is interesting to note the following points in response to some of the comments and suggestions:

It was evident that not all respondents were bus users, however some of the assumed impacts which were cited are not supported by current passenger usage statistics.

Some comments targeted the apparently "insignificant savings" accruing from some proposals. However, the nature of the 'thinning' exercise is such that the total target saving is made up of numerous relatively small items affecting only a few passengers.

A great many respondents suggest that one way of alleviating the need for cuts to services would be to introduce a nominal charge for issuing or using the National Bus Pass. Devon County Council administers the National Bus Pass according to statutory legislation contained in the Concessionary Travel Act 2007. As such it is not possible - by law - for Devon County Council to request payment for the first issue of a National Bus Pass or to request that the passenger pay a contribution to the bus fare. It would require an act of Parliament to alter the legislation governing the National Bus Pass scheme.

There is widespread misunderstanding of the legislative framework in which local bus services are provided, in particular the difference between commercial and supported bus services, the limitations on the County Council's powers and the relationship between the County Council and bus companies. There is a widespread assumption that 'cross-subsidy' between commercial and supported services would solve the Council's budget problem, but there is little appreciation of the gross overall operating costs - which would remain the same, and that reducing better-used services for the sake of weaker sections would worsen the overall finances, not improve them.

There were a number of suggestions for alternative service revisions - some very detailed, with a great deal of thought and effort on the respondent's part. Unfortunately, most involved simply forgoing the saving, or altering the service without achieving any likely improvement in the sustainability of the service, or increasing rather than reducing costs, generally underestimating costs, giving insufficient attention to operational aspects, or making unsafe assumptions about patronage and revenue increases resulting from timetable or route changes. There were, however, a number of helpful indications of passenger preference where genuine alternatives exist and in some cases it has been possible to revise the proposal following consultation.

Some alternative suggestions involved actively expanding current provision rather than making savings. In two specific cases this involved reinstating service levels which only existed prior to the April 2011 service reductions.

Respondents argued for 'fairness' in bus service provision. For example, if Village A has an hourly bus, why shouldn't Village B have the same? Such anomalies and apparent unfairness are invariably due to the respective villages' geographical locations. Many small communities located on or near a main road connecting two or more towns enjoy a level of service disproportionate to the level of passenger demand from those intermediate points and it is not possible to replicate this everywhere.

There was much support from consultation respondents - both local councils and individuals - for community-based transport, but there is generally an insufficient appreciation of the scale of voluntary commitment and cost involved in setting up community operations. The advice we always give is to approach existing community transport associations and to build on their experience and resources. This is something we are looking at in several cases to maintain service provision.

The consultation also substantiated the issues identified in the County Council's Impact Assessment. E.g. people accessing employment or health appointments, rural isolation.

2.4 Question 4: National Bus Pass (changes to start time)

We currently allow free travel for National Bus Pass holders before the statutory start time of 9.30am, when there is no other bus before 11.30am. This allowance costs us more money. We propose to allow free travel before 9.30am, only when there is no other bus before 12 noon instead of 11.30am. This would save 5,000 a year. We would still allow free travel for National Bus Pass holders where the only bus of the day goes before 9.30am.

Do you agree with this proposal?

The recommendation to Cabinet is that this proposal not be implemented from 1st April 2016.


An overwhelming majority agreed with this proposal - this may reflect the generally expressed wish to pay or contribute towards concessionary bus pass travel.

The main themes identified in the comments for this question are summarised below:

Restricted access to services and health appointments respondents felt that the change would mean their ability to travel and access services (including health appointments) would be restricted. Some felt that this would impact on their health and lead to increased isolation. Others said that it would make it very difficult to make connections to other modes of transport, to travel further afield. People were also concerned that they would not be able to visit relatives and friends in hospital. Needing to have early appointments for blood tests was often quoted as an issue.

Financial impact several respondents indicated that the changes would have a financial impact on them. This was mainly due to having to pay for their fare to travel at the time they required.

Employment respondents stated that the change would make accessing employment and interviews more difficult and more expensive. Some said that it would mean that they would lose their job but this could be interpreted as those respondents commenting on the possibility of the bus service being removed rather than a specific response to the question about changes to the National Bus Pass scheme. One respondent stated that it would impact on their ability to attend Job Centre appointments.

Increased car use many people indicated that this change would encourage them to increase use of their own car or the use of taxis. Many felt that this would increase congestion and pollution, and was in opposition to green travel policies to reduce car use.

Disability it was felt that this change would make travel more difficult for people with disabilities. It was suggested that being able to travel earlier was helpful to some, to allow more time to access services. It was also commented that this change could increase financial pressure on people with disabilities when accessing employment, appointments etc.

Others comments stated that the change would impact on people's ability to access shopping, social activities and family. There was also a concern that it could impact on tourism

2.5 Question 5: National Bus Pass (changes to finish time)

We currently allow free travel for National Bus Pass holders after the statutory finish time of 11pm, Monday to Friday. This allowance costs us more money. We propose to stop allowing free travel after 11pm, Monday to Friday.

Do you agree with this proposal?

The recommendation to Cabinet is that this proposal not be implemented from 1st April 2016.


This question asked what the impact would be of the proposed change of NOT allowing free travel for National Bus Pass holders after 11pm, Monday to Friday.

This question was subject to a little confusion, with some people misreading and thinking the proposal was to stop free travel after 11am rather than 11pm. Several responses said that the change would mean that they could not access health appointments, which suggests that they had misinterpreted the question.

Several comments said that older people are not out past 11pm, whilst conversely, others felt it would penalise elderly people who want to be out socialising during the evening. Many stated that it would not affect them as there are no buses in their area after 11pm.

Social impact respondents said that the change would impact on their ability to take part social activities which could lead to increased isolation. Many stated that it would mean that they would not be able to return home from the theatre or other performances or social gatherings. Younger people qualifying as Bus Pass holders felt that this would have a major impact on their ability to meet with friends during the evening.

Disability respondents with a disability said that this would curtail their social activities during the evening. Some commented that there were no accessible taxis in their area, so there was no alternative to bus travel. Younger people with disabilities stated that they frequently use the bus to socialise and have no practical alternative to lead an independent life.

Financial impact some respondents felt that the proposal would have a financial impact on them, as this would mean an additional expense for an evening out. Some felt that they would be happy to pay on the occasions that they were out and wanted to use the bus to get home. Some responses said that this would impact on their ability to return home after evening employment, although it is not clear if this comment was directly relating to the proposed changes to the bus pass or to changes to bus timetables.

Connecting to other services respondents stated that this would cause difficulties for people to connect with coach and train services from across the country, making it more difficult and expensive to return from places such as London.

Safety issues this was mentioned by many people, as removing the ability to use a bus pass after 11pm could mean they had to walk home at night and felt that they were at increased risk of being assaulted. Comments were also made that some may use cars more, which has an environmental impact. People commented that they felt vulnerable having to wait in bus stations late at night, although this is contradictory to other responses, as some people said they felt safer using the bus.

Other comments stated that the proposal would impact on people's ability to see their family, go shopping and access employment.

All of the above will be used to update the impact assessment.

2.6 Question 6: Funding for Shopmobility

Shopmobility loans manual and powered wheelchairs and scooters to people with mobility difficulties. This enables people to use shops and services in some town centres. Devon County Council currently part funds Shopmobility.

We propose to reduce the subsidies for Devon Shopmobility schemes. Reducing funding to Shopmobility may help to keep other services funded but may result in some Shopmobility services being reduced or stopped.

The recommendation to Cabinet is that funding for Shopmobility schemes be reduced on a phased basis with the aim of this facility becoming self-sustaining, possibly with funding from external sources.


This question asked what the impact would be of the proposal to reduce subsidies to Shopmobility schemes in Devon. Over 80% of respondents said the funding should not be stopped entirely; when asked if funding should be reduced, opinion was quite clearly split.

Shopping and accessibility of town centre services respondents stated that a reduction or removal of Shopmobility services would severely restrict their ability to access shopping and other town centre services such as banks, medical centres. Some stated that they would be housebound if they could not hire a mobility scooter.

Reduced quality of life respondents stated that the person's quality of life would be impacted by the loss of Shopmobility. Some said that they would not be able to access facilities with their family and others that they would lose their independence. The responses indicated that those who use the service would find the reduction or removal of Shopmobility a major impact on their quality of life. Several responses stated that being able to use Shopmobility gave them a feeling of freedom. A few people commented that a reduction in services would increase costs for Devon County Council in other areas, as social care would be needed more to compensate for reduced independence and increased isolation

Disability - there was a strong opinion that the proposal would have a disproportionate and unfair impact on people with mobility difficulties.

Local economy - it was also pointed out by several respondents that Shopmobility is used by tourists and helps to bring revenue in to towns.

Future need 30% of respondents said that this proposal would have little or no impact on them, but a fair proportion of comments acknowledged that although they currently did not use Shopmobility services, they would like to see them available for their future use.


APPENDIX A List of petitions received

Below is a list of all the petitions which were received in the context of the consultation. Although all petitions have been considered as part of the consultation analysis, as none of them exceeded 6,000 signatures no specific action will be taken, in line with Devon County Council policy.


Number of signatories

Crediton Town Bus Service Petition Service 607


Dartmouth LOBSTA (Leave Our Bus Service Timetables Alone) campaign representing Services 90b, 93, 18


Exeter Green Party - services mostly in Exeter


Okehampton Town Bus Service 318


Loddiswell, Kingsbridge and Salcombe Services X64, 93, 162, 164


Steiner School, Totnes Service 165


Countess Wear Coffee Club Service T


Shillingford St George Parish Council Service 366


Appendix B

To SC/15/9

APPENDIX B - Revised Service Recommendations following Public Transport Review


Service recommended to be revised/reinstated

Initial proposal recommended to be implemented

Recommended interim solution or alternative recommendation still to be confirmed



Proposal Consulted Upon

Suggestions from Consultation

Recommended Response Following Consultation


Exeter - Pinhoe - Broadclyst -Cullompton - Willand - Uffculme - Tiverton Parkway - Sampford Peverell - Halberton - Tiverton

Removal of financial support for schooltime service between Cullompton and Uffculme School. Removal of financial support for journey from Tiverton to Uffculme School via Willand. Withdrawal of 0705, 0850 and 1730 Tiverton - Cullompton, 1510 Tiverton - Cullompton via Uffculme School, 0817, 1710 and 1810 Cullompton - Tiverton and 0815 Cullompton - Uffculme School

It was requested that school journeys to Uffculme School be retained.

Supported bus services for non-entitled school pupils are not part of statutory provision and their removal started in April 2011. The current proposals represent a completion of this process and it is recommended they go ahead. On Service 1 there is a significant cost attached to provide these journeys. Stagecoach will operate an 0817 Cullompton - Uffculme School journey on a commercial basis. The 1510 Tiverton - Cullompton could continue to run via Uffculme School at no additional cost to DCC. It is therefore recommended that the reduction go ahead as proposed, apart from these reinstatements. Subject to actual total numbers, all non-entitled pupils may still be able to travel.


Exeter - Pinhoe - Broadclyst -Cullompton - Willand - Uffculme - Tiverton Parkway - Sampford Peverell - Halberton - Tiverton

Withdrawal of evening service, Monday - Saturday - from the 1930 Exeter - Willand and 2020 Willand - Exeter

It was requested that an evening service be retained.

As an alternative to withdrawal, a reduced evening service is recommended to be continued within the recommended revised evening service support criterion. This would give three departures from Exeter at 1940, 2120 and 2300 and departures from Willand at 2025, 2205 and 2344.


Exeter - Pinhoe - Broadclyst -Cullompton - Willand - Uffculme - Tiverton Parkway - Sampford Peverell - Halberton - Tiverton

Removal of financial support for schooltime service between Cullompton and Uffculme School. Removal of financial support for journey from Tiverton to Uffculme School via Willand. Withdrawal of 0705, 0850 and 1730 Tiverton - Cullompton, 1510 Tiverton - Cullompton via Uffculme School, 0817, 1710 and 1810 Cullompton - Tiverton and 0815 Cullompton - Uffculme School

It was requested that the 0705 and 1730 Tiverton Cullompton direct journeys and 1710 Cullompton - Tiverton direct journey be retained.

Following a re-examination of the usage by workers, the proposed revised timetable now includes the 0705 Tiverton - Cullompton and 1730 Tiverton - Cullompton. The 1710 Cullompton - Tiverton journey would still operate, but ten minutes later


Exeter - Cowley Bridge -Newton St. Cyres - Crediton

Withdrawal of evening service - 2030, 2130, 2230, 2330 journeys from Exeter, 2057, 2157, 2257, 2357 journeys from Crediton, Monday - Saturday and Sunday

It was requested that the evening service be retained.

The evening service in its entirety is proposed for continuation within the recommended revised evening service support criterion.


Exmouth - The Marles - Masey Road/Littleham - Rodney Close

Withdrawal of the 1740 Monday to Saturday journey from Exmouth Parade

It was requested that journey be retained.

Due to low usage this journey is recommended for withdrawal as proposed.

7 / 303

Woolacombe - Braunton/South Molton - Filleigh - Swimbridge - Landkey - Barnstaple

Complete withdrawal - summer Sunday and Public Holiday service

It was requested a summer Sunday service be retained

Due to the subsidy per passenger trip being significantly in excess of the leisure service support criterion this service is recommended for withdrawal as proposed.

8 / 10

Barnstaple town services - Whiddon Valley/Forches/Gorwell/Roundswell/Woodville

Withdrawal of financially supported frequency enhancements. Frequency would reduce to half hourly instead of every 20 minutes. One route in Gorwell would need to be withdrawn, as there are presently three different routes, which would need to reduce to two.

It was requested the present timetables continued

Stagecoach will be introducing a half-hourly commercial service serving Whiddon Valley, Forches (via bus-only link) and Roundswell. In response, supported services are recommended for Gorwell (half-hourly instead of the current twenty minutes) and Hollowtree Road/Rose Lane/Newport (seven buses per day instead of the current two an hour). Newport is also served by Services 9 (hourly) and 155 (min. hourly). Bicton Street and Sunset Heights cannot be served but Ring and Ride is feasible and is recommended. Stagecoach will continue a commercial service for non-entitled pupils from Whiddon Valley to Park School.


Barnstaple - Whiddon Valley/Roundswell

Complete withdrawal of the evening service

It was requested that the evening service be retained.

The evening service in its entirety is proposed for continuation within the recommended revised evening service support criterion.


Barnstaple - Newport - Bishops Tawton

Withdrawal of the 0710 and 1820 Monday to Saturday journeys from Barnstaple

It was requested the present work time journeys continue.

In view of usage for work journeys, the service in its entirety is recommended for continuation.


Barnstaple - Whiddon Valley/North Devon District Hospital

Complete withdrawal - Sunday and Public Holiday service

It was requested that a Sunday service be retained.

The Sunday service in its entirety is proposed for continuation within the recommended revised Sunday service support criterion.

11 / 75

Tavistock - Mary Tavy - Brentor - Lydford - Sourton - Okehampton - Hatherleigh - Meeth - Merton - Torrington - Landcross - Bideford - Barnstaple

Complete withdrawal - Sunday and Public Holiday service

It was requested that a Sunday service be retained.

This subsidy per passenger trip on the Sunday service is far in excess of even the recommended revised Sunday service criterion. It is therefore recommended that there is no alternative to its withdrawal as proposed.


Bideford - East the Water - Goaman Estate

Reduce from Monday to Saturday to Tuesday and Friday only

It was requested a Monday - Saturday service continue.

The subsidy per passenger trip on this service is far in excess of the criteria for service support. It is recommended that the reduction to two days a week goes ahead. The Pannier Market is still being served at present.


Bideford - Clovelly Road - Atlantic Village

Withdrawal of the 0745, 0815, 0850 1820 and 1850 journeys from Bideford and 0800, 0830, 0905, 1835 and 1905 Monday to Saturday journeys from Atlantic Village.

It was requested work time journeys be retained.

Since this proposal was formulated the operator of the original commercial daytime Service 15X has given notice of withdrawal. An interim like-for-like replacement was secured pending retender. The recommended outcome of this is a merger with commercial Service 75 which includes journeys at work-times.


Bideford - Cornborough Road - Westward Ho! - Appledore - Morwenna Park - Bideford

Reduce from Monday to Saturday to Tuesday and Friday only

It was requested a Monday - Saturday service continue.

The subsidy per passenger trip on these services is far in excess of the criteria for service support. It is recommended that the reduction to two days a week goes ahead.


Barnstaple Park & Ride - Town Centre - North Devon Hospital

Withdrawal of the Saturday Park & Ride service. Withdrawal of the 1810 and 1830 journeys from the Park & Ride as far as the Bus Station and the 1820 and 1840 journeys from Queen Street to the Park & Ride.

It was requested a Saturday service continue

As the subsidy per passenger trip on this service is in excess of the criterion for service support it is recommended that the withdrawal goes ahead as proposed. (The Town Centre - North Devon Hospital section of route is not affected as this is commercially operated.)


Bampton - Shillingford - Taunton

Withdrawal of Devon financial support towards this Somerset County Council arrangement - Monday to Saturday service

It was requested the subsidy be retained

As the subsidy per passenger trip on this service is far in excess of the criterion for service support it is recommended that the withdrawal goes ahead as proposed. Should Somerset County Council withdraw the service Bampton retains its main service to Tiverton.


Axminster - Tytherleigh - Chard - Taunton

Withdraw financial support for additional journeys between Chard and Axminster - this is the 0825 (Saturday), 1029, 1229, and 1800 Chard - Axminster journeys and 0905 (Saturday), 1105, 1305 and 1835 Axminster - Chard journeys

It was requested that the hourly service be retained

Buses of Somerset (First), who operate Service 30, have taken a commercial decision to reduce the service frequency to every 90 minutes. The option to subsidize further journeys is no longer available.


Ilfracombe Town/Lee Bay/Berrynarbor

Service 34 to The Shields and 36 to Fern Way withdrawn. Service 33 to Berrynarbor to be replaced by a diversion of Service 301. Service 35 to Lee Bay to be reduced to operate on two days.

It was requested a service be retained.

An interim continuation is proposed pending a possible community transport replacement


Exeter - Drumbridges - Liverton - Bickington - Ashburton - Buckfastleigh - South Brent - Bittaford - Ivybridge - Plymouth

Complete withdrawal - Sunday and Public Holiday service

It was requested that a Sunday service be retained.

As an alternative to withdrawal, a reduced Sunday service is proposed within the recommended revised Sunday service criterion. Two journeys each way would therefore continue to operate on Sunday and Public Holidays


Exeter - Chudleigh - Chudleigh Knighton - Bovey Tracey - Heathfield - Drumbridges - Newton Abbot

Complete withdrawal - Winter Sunday and Public Holidays Service - from November - March

It was requested that a Sunday service be retained

The Sunday service in its entirety is proposed for continuation within the recommended revised Sunday service support criterion.


Heybrook Bay - Down Thomas - Wembury Point - Plymstock - Plymouth

Reduced from 3 journeys to 2. Revised service will provide a return shopping trip into Plymouth, operating approximately 90 minutes later than at present.

It was requested that the existing Monday to Saturday times be retained on less days, rather than running 90 minutes later.

Under current criteria the present timetable could continue on two days a week


Heybrook Bay - Down Thomas - Wembury Point - Plymstock - Plymouth

Reduced from 3 journeys to 2. Revised service will provide a return shopping trip into Plymouth, operating approximately 90 minutes later than at present.

It was requested that the existing timetable be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on this service is in excess of the daily service support criterion. Therefore, for a daily service to be retained, the service reduction would need to go ahead as proposed. However, see alternative proposal in previous item.


Exeter - Clyst St Mary - Newton Poppleford - Sidford - Beer - Seaton - Colyford

Complete withdrawal of this one Monday to Saturday journey at 1745.

It was requested this journey should continue.

In view of the very low use and an alternative journey on commercial Service X53 15 minutes earlier this journey is recommended for withdrawal as proposed.


Tavistock - Yelverton - Crapstone - Buckland Monachorum - Milton Combe/Meavy - Dousland - Walkhampton

Service 55 to be reduced from 7 journeys to 5. Service 56 to continue to have 5 journeys. There would no longer be journeys for Buckland Monachorum School.

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

In view of the number of passengers potentially affected relative to the saving, this service is recommended for continuation in its entirety, subject to possible future review aimed at keeping support within the daily service criterion.

55 / 624

Buckland Monachorum - Yelverton

Withdrawal of schooltime services

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

The operator of the school contract gave notice to surrender the contract. Due to a fall in the number of entitled pupils the public transport facility for non-entitled pupils is no longer available.


Exeter - Stoke Canon - Rewe - Thorverton - Silverton - Bickleigh - Tiverton

The 0730 Monday to Saturday Exeter - Tiverton journey to run 25 minutes earlier.

It was requested this journey continued at the existing time

The proposal was operationally linked to another service which is recommended for staying the same as now. This journey would therefore continue at the existing time.


Plymouth - Plympton - Sparkwell - Lutton - Cornwood - Lee Moor - Wotter - Shaugh Prior - Bicklegh - Roborough

Service reduced from 7 journeys per day to 4, Monday to Saturday. The revised service would still provide a peak time journey to and from Plymouth and a choice of shopping journeys.

It was requested the present timetable be retained

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 59 is in excess of our criteria for support. A study of usage patterns shows that the reduced timetable would still cater for most passengers. The reduced timetable is therefore recommended for introduction as proposed.


Exeter - Kingsteignton - Newton Abbot - Ipplepen Totnes - Harbertonford - Halwell - Kingsbridge - West Alvington - Malborough - Salcombe

Complete withdrawal - Sunday and Public Holiday service

It was requested a Sunday service be retained

As an alternative to withdrawal, the Sunday service, with revisions, is proposed for continuation within the recommended revised Sunday service support criterion. Due to a change in the pattern of commercial services, Service X64 now runs Exeter - Totnes - Dartmouth, with the Totnes - Salcombe section being covered by a Sunday Service 164. Dartmouth would have an all-year Sunday service instead of Summer only.


Newton Abbot - Highweek/Buckland Estate

Complete withdrawal - Monday - Saturday evenings and Sunday and Public Holidays

It was requested that the evening and Sunday services be retained.

The evening and Sunday services in their entirety are proposed for continuation within the recommended revised evening and Sunday service support criteria.


Barnstaple - Bideford - Torrington - Merton - Meeth - Hatherleigh - Folly Gate - Okehampton

Withdrawal of the Monday to Saturday 0655 and 1500 Barnstaple - Okehampton, 1040 and 1640 Okehampton - Barnstaple, 0840 Okehampton - Hatherleigh and 0900 Hatherleigh - Okehampton.

It was requested the present timetable be retained

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 75 is far in excess of the support criteria. The reduced timetable is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed.


Exeter - Longdown - Dunsford - Doccombe - Moretonhampstead - Postbridge - Two Bridges - Princetown - Dousland - Yelverton - Horrabridge - Tavistock

Complete withdrawal - Saturday and Sunday summer-only service

It was requested a service be retained

Due to the subsidy per passenger trip being far in excess of the leisure service support criterion this service is recommended for withdrawal as proposed.


St Giles-on-the-Heath - Chapmanswell - Clawton - Holsworthy - Barnstaple

Complete withdrawal of college-time service

It was requested that the service be retained

Entitled students can still be catered for. This withdrawal is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed.


Barnstaple - Bideford - Monkleigh - Milton Damerel - Holsworthy - Clawton - Chapmanswell - St Giles on the Heath - Launceston - Milton Abbot - Tavistock - Plymouth

Complete withdrawal - Saturday only service

It was requested that the service be retained

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service X85 is far in excess of the support criteria. The withdrawal is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.


Tavistock - Bishopsmead - Horrabridge - Yelverton - Woolwell - Plymouth

Withdrawal of the late evening service - 2145, 2245, 2345 departures from Plymouth and 2150 and 2250 from Tavistock Monday - Saturday. 1845, 1945, 2045, 2145 and 2255 departures from Plymouth and 1945, 2045, 2145 and 2255 departures from Tavistock on Sunday and Public Holidays

It was requested an evening service be retained

It has not been possible to find a reduced cost option to allow this section of the route to be retained at a lower frequency and enable it to meet the subsidy criterion. The evening service is therefore recommended for withdrawal as proposed.


Bere Alston - Tavistock

Withdrawal of the Monday to Saturday 0640 Tavistock - Bere Alston and 1854 Bere Alston - Tavistock journeys

It was requested the 1854 journey be retained between Bere Alston Station and the village of Bere Alston.

The 1854 can continue to operate between Bere Alston Station and village at no additional cost. The remaining sections recommended to be withdrawn as proposed.


Dartmouth - Archway Drive

Complete withdrawal - Monday to Saturday service

It was requested that the present timetable be retained.

Based on more up-to-date information from a survey, the number of passengers affected is considerably lower than originally derived from bus company data. The service is therefore recommended for withdrawal as proposed.


Totnes - Avonwick - Ugborough - Ermington - Brixton - Plymstock - Plymouth

Reduce to operate on Tuesday only instead of Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

It was requested that the service continue to run on three days.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 91 is in excess of the service support criterion. It is recommended that the reduction to one day a week should go ahead as proposed - on Friday instead of Tuesday (see next item).


Totnes - Avonwick - Ugborough - Ermington - Brixton - Plymstock - Plymouth

Reduce to operate on Tuesday only instead of Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.

It was requested that the reduced service run on Friday instead of Tuesday.

The service could run on a Friday and the saving still be made. Provision by a community transport group is also being explored. As presently constituted, this community transport service would not be included in the free concessionary travel scheme.


Dartmouth - Stoke Fleming - Strete - Slapton Turn - Torcross - Stokenham - Chillington - Frogmore - West Charleton - Kingsbridge - Churchstow - Aveton Gifford - Modbury - Yealmpton - Brixton - Plymouth

Withdrawal of Summer Sunday and Public Holidays.

It was requested a Sunday service be retained between Kingsbridge and Plymouth.

It has not been possible to find a reduced cost option to allow the full route to be retained within the subsidy criterion. The Kingsbridge - Plymouth section is therefore recommended for withdrawal on Sundays as proposed (see next item).


Dartmouth - Stoke Fleming - Strete - Slapton Turn - Torcross - Stokenham - Chillington - Frogmore - West Charleton - Kingsbridge - Churchstow - Aveton Gifford - Modbury - Yealmpton - Brixton - Plymouth

Withdrawal of Summer Sunday and Public Holidays.

It was requested a Sunday service be retained between Dartmouth and Kingsbridge.

As an alternative to withdrawal a reduced timetable is proposed on the Dartmouth - Kingsbridge section. Two journeys each way would continue to operate on this section of route. Due to being linked operationally with the Sunday Service 164 (former section of Sunday Service X64), this would be all-year instead of Summer only.


Noss Mayo - Newton Ferrers - Membland - Holbeton - Yealmpton - Brixton - Plymstock - Plymouth

Service reduced from 5 journeys to 3 Monday to Saturday. It will still provide a work time journey and choice of shopping journeys.

It was requested that the present timetable be retained.

Subject to the final outcome on Service 49 (which is operationally linked), the present service could be proposed to continue unchanged.


Tavistock - Greenlands - Princetown - Two Bridges - Postbridge - Bellever/Yelverton

Princetown to retain 3 journeys, arriving in Tavistock at 0820, 1135 and 1545. Departures from Tavistock would be 1010, 1410 and 1745. Greenlands to be reduced from 5 journeys to 4

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

In view of the number of passengers potentially affected relative to the saving, this service is recommended for continuation in its entirety, subject to possible future review aimed at keeping support within the daily service criterion.


Exmouth - Littleham/Brixington

Complete withdrawal - evenings and Sunday and Public Holidays

It was requested that the evening and Sunday service be retained

The evening and Sunday services in their entirety are proposed for continuation within the recommended revised evening and Sunday service support criteria.

113/134/ 260

Tavistock - Dawlish/Torquay/Truro

National Bus Pass to be no longer valid

It was requested that National Bus Passes still be valid.

Consistent with the removal in April 2011 of free concessionary travel from other services running primarily for tourism it is recommended that the removal of free travel on these services goes ahead as proposed. The National Bus Pass would no longer be valid on these services.


Totnes- Berry Pomeroy - Marldon - Torquay

Complete withdrawal - Monday to Saturday service

It was requested that school journeys to KEVICS be retained.

Since the formulation of this proposal the operator of Service 149 has given notice to cease operating the contract. No alternative operator was available. The alternative service - Torbay Council-funded Service 66 - has started. Alternative services to KEVICS are available.


Exmouth - Littleham - Budleigh Salterton - East Budleigh - Otterton -Bicton - Colaton Raleigh - Newton Poppleford - Sidmouth

Withdrawal of the funding for operating via Otterton. Possible retention of Otterton on the route but at reduced overall frequency.

It was requested the present timetable, including Otterton, be retained so as to avoid risk of leaving Otterton isolated.

Following confirmation by the bus operator that Otterton would be left entirely without a service, it is recommended that support for this service should continue in its entirety.


Kingsbridge - Thurlestone - South Milton - Galmpton - Hope/Loddiswell

Withdraw the Monday to Saturday 1700 Kingsbridge - Loddiswell, 1715 Loddiswell - Kingsbridge, 1730 Kingsbridge - Hope and 1815 Hope - Kingsbridge.

It was requested that the late afternoon journeys continue.

In view of the level of passenger usage relative to the saving, the service is recommended for continuation in its entirety.


Kingsbridge - Halwell - Harbertonford - Totnes

Withdrawal of the 0625 Kingsbridge - Totnes and 0705 Totnes - Kingsbridge journeys on Saturday.

It was requested that the early Saturday morning journeys continue.

Due to low usage these journeys are recommended for withdrawal as proposed.


Totnes - Dartington - Staverton - Landscove - Broadhempston

Revised timetable - a new 0753 journey from Broadhempston - Totnes to cater for entitled students to KEVIC's. The 0755 Totnes - Dartington Hall/Rudolph Steiner School to be withdrawn. The 1535 from Totnes to be extended to Broadhempston. The 1650 Totnes - Dartington Hall to be withdrawn. The 1610 from Dartington Hall/1603 Rudolph Steiner School to be withdrawn. Schooltime journeys to Rudolf Steiner School to be withdrawn as part of this proposal.

It was requested that school journeys to Rudolph Steiner School be retained.

Supported bus services for non-entitled school pupils are not part of statutory provision and their removal started in April 2011. The current proposals represent a completion of this process and it is therefore recommended that they go ahead. On Service 165 there is a significant cost attached to providing these journeys. An approach is being made to the local Community Bus who may be able to provide a dedicated service which would go onto the Rudolf Steiner School site.


Newton Abbot - Abbotskerswell - Ipplepen

Withdrawal of the Monday to Saturday 1750 journey from Newton Abbot

It was requested the 1750 journey be retained.

Due to low usage this journey is recommended for withdrawal as proposed.


Newton Abbot - Liverton - Bovey Tracey - Lustleigh - Moretonhampstead - Chagford - Whiddon Down - South Zeal - South Tawton - Sticklepath - Okehampton

Monday to Saturday Moretonhampstead - Newton Abbot journey to commence from Okehampton. Journey to Okehampton to divert via Giblands Park and Hunters Gate in Okehampton and extend to Okehampton Station.

It was requested the present timetable be retained

This was to facilitate the saving from the withdrawal of Service 318 Okehampton Town. However, in view of the community-based proposal (see Service 318 item) the only recommended revision to Service 178 is now the minor diversion via Giblands Park and Hunters Gate on its way in and out of Okehampton. The Monday to Saturday Moretonhampstead - Newton Abbot journey would not commence from Okehampton as proposed. This is due to a school contract change not going ahead.


Newton Abbot - Kingsteignton - Bishopsteignton - Teignmouth

Withdrawal of the Monday to Friday 1753 journey from Teignmouth - Bishopsteignton. The 1715 Newton Abbot - Teignmouth journey would terminate at Ware Cross.

It was requested the 1715 and 1753 journeys be retained.

Due to low usage this reduction is recommended to go ahead as proposed.


Okehampton - Lydford - Brentor - Mary Tavy - Tavistock - Morwellham - Gunnislake

Complete withdrawal - summer Sunday and Public Holiday service

It was requested the service be retained.

Due to the subsidy per passenger trip being far in excess of the leisure service support criterion this service is recommended for withdrawal as proposed.


Newton Abbot - Bovey Tracey - Haytor - Widecombe - Manaton, 'Haytor Hoppa'

Withdrawal of County Council financial support - summer Saturday service.

It was requested this summer service continue.

As an alternative to withdrawal, with continued funding through the Dartmoor National Park Authority this service is proposed for continuation with a shorter summer season - i.e. late-May to mid-September instead of the present April to October.


Ilfracombe - Combe Martin - Blackmoor Gate - Barbrook - Lynton - Lynmouth - Minehead

Complete withdrawal - winter weekend and daily summer service

It was requested a service be retained

It is anticipated that a commercial service will continue over at least part of the Service 300 route during the summer period. The subsidy per passenger trip on the remainder of Service 300 is far in excess of the leisure service support criterion and there are no options for reduction rather than withdrawal. It is therefore recommended that the withdrawal go ahead as proposed.


Barnstaple - North Devon Hospital - Muddiford - Milltown - Ilfracombe - Berrynarbor Corner - Combe Martin

Withdrawal of the Monday to Saturday 1805 Ilfracombe High Street - Tesco journey.

It was requested the 1805 journey be retained.

Due to low usage this journey is recommended for withdrawal as proposed.


Ilfracombe - Mullacott Cross - Woolacombe

National Bus Pass to be no longer valid on this Summer Sunday service

It was requested the National Bus Pass still be valid.

Consistent with the removal in April 2011 of free concessionary travel from other services running primarily for tourism it recommended that the removal of free travel on this service goes ahead as proposed. The National Bus Pass would no longer be valid on this Summer Sunday service.


Mortehoe - Woolacombe - West Down - Braunton - Heanton Punchardon - Ashford - Barnstaple

On Tuesday would operate from Mullacott Cross to Barnstaple via Guineaford Bridge, Prixford and Bradiford. It would not serve West Down, Braunton, Heanton Punchardon or Ashford on this day.

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

In view of the low number of passengers affected and in order to facilitate the significant saving on Service 654, it is recommended that this reduction go ahead as proposed.


Barnstaple - South Molton - Combsland Cross - Oakford - Bampton

Complete withdrawal - Saturday only service

It was requested the service be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 307 is far in excess of the support criteria. The withdrawal is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed. Although some sections of the B3227 would be left unserved, no communities would be left isolated.


Okehampton Town - Okehampton Primary School

Withdrawal. A shopping journey for Giblands Park, Hunters Gate, Leeze Park and the Station to be provided by a revised Service 178. North Tawton to Okehampton retains peak time buses

It was requested that school journeys to Okehampton Primary School be retained.

Supported bus services for non-entitled school pupils are not part of our statutory provision and their removal started in April 2011. The current proposals therefore represent a completion of this process and it is recommended they go ahead. In the case of Service 318 there is a significant cost attached to provide these journeys. Peak-time buses between Okehampton and North Tawton will be provided by Stagecoach commercial Service 5A.


Okehampton Town service

Withdrawal. A shopping journey for Giblands Park, Hunters Gate, Leeze Park and the Station is provided by a revised service 178. North Tawton to Okehampton retains peak time buses.

It was requested that the service be retained.

It is recommended to implement the proposed Service 178 diversion via Giblands Park and Hunters Gate. The local Community Transport Association are considering options for providing an enhanced Ring & Ride service for those areas of the town less well served by the alternative bus services and this is recommended as the most sustainable option for Leeze Park, the Station and other areas. Free concessionary travel would not be available on the community transport service.


Ashreigney - Riddlecombe - Roborough - St Giles-in-the-Wood - Torrington/ Bideford/Barnstaple

Wednesday service to Barnstaple to be rerouted via Yarnscombe and Tawstock in place of Service 664. Would not go to Torrington or Bideford on that day. Withdraw Thursday service.

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 322 is in excess of the support criteria. It is recommended that the reduction goes ahead as proposed.


Lapford - Chawleigh - Chulmleigh - Burrington - High Bickington - Atherington - Bishops Tawton - Barnstaple

Reduce to operate on Tuesday and Friday instead of Monday to Saturday

It was requested that the service not be reduced to two days.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 325 is in excess of the daily service support criterion but an additional third day (Thursday) is proposed, subject to vehicle availability.


Tiverton (Palmerston Park/Cotteylands/Higher Moor)

Revisions to timetable and route. Frequency reduced. The 1535 journey from Tiverton High School to be withdrawn. Journeys to Palmerston Park and Cotteylands to operate from the Bus Station at 0830, 0915, 1115, 1215, 1345, 1445 and 1645. The section of route to Higher Moor to operate hourly. The section of route via Southfield Way to be withdrawn to allow a larger bus to be used.

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

It is recommended that this service continue in its entirety pending possible future review as to the most sustainable pattern of services.


Cheriton Fitzpaine - Stockleigh Pomeroy - Shobrooke - Crediton

Service reduced to operate on Monday and Thursday instead of Monday to Saturday

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 347 is in excess of the daily service support criterion. However, see next item regarding less than daily interim continuation.


Cheriton Fitzpaine - Stockleigh Pomeroy - Shobrooke - Crediton

Service reduced to operate on Monday and Thursday instead of Monday to Saturday

It was requested that the service not be reduced to two days.

As part of the recommended interim continuation of the Crediton Town Bus (Service 607) an additional two days (making four days a week instead of two as originally proposed) are proposed on an interim basis for Service 347. (Services 607 and 347 are covered by the same vehicle operation.)


Tiverton Town (Cowley Moor / Higher Moor)

Monday to Saturday frequency to be reduced from half-hourly to hourly. Withdrawal of the 0615 and 1815 journeys from the Bus Station.

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

It is recommended that this service continue in its entirety pending possible future review as to the most sustainable pattern of services.


Tiverton Town (Tidcombe & Wilcombe)

Reduce service from half-hourly to hourly. Service will operate at 0805 from the bus station and then 0945, 1015, 1045, 1145, 1245, 1315, 1415, 1515, 1550, 1615, 1715 and 1815. The 0740 journey from the Bus Station to be withdrawn.

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

It is recommended that this service continue in its entirety pending possible future review as to the most sustainable pattern of services.


Byron Way - Exmouth - Littleham - Budleigh Salterton

Complete withdrawal - evenings and Sundays and Public Holidays

It was requested that the evening and Sunday services be retained.

The evening and Sunday services in their entirety are proposed for continuation within the recommended revised evening and Sunday service support criteria.


Bridford - Christow - Doddiscombsleigh - Dunchideock - Ide - Exeter

Withdrawal of the Monday to Saturday 1500 Exeter - Ide; 1524 Ide - Exeter and 1842 Bridford - Exeter journeys

It was requested the 1500 Exeter - Ide, 1524 Ide - Exeter and 1842 Bridford - Exeter journeys be retained.

Due to low usage these journeys are recommended for withdrawal as proposed. Main travel times are still catered for.


Bridford - Christow - Ashton Bridge - Trusham - Teign Village - Hennock - Newton Abbot

Withdrawal of Wednesday only 0903 Hennock - Christow and 1355 Christow - Newton Abbot journeys - these connect with Service 360 for journeys to and from Exeter

It was requested that the present service be retained.

Due to low usage this journey is recommended for withdrawal as proposed. Main travel times are still catered for.


Exeter - Shillingford Abbot - Shillingford St. George - Clapham - Kennford - Kenn

Monday to Saturday service to be reduced from 8 journeys to 2. Revised service would provide a return shopping journey to Exeter.

It was requested the present timetable be retained

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 366 is far in excess of the support criteria. The reduction is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed. Main off-peak travel times are still catered for.


Honiton Town

Withdraw Monday to Saturday 0725 Heathfield - High Street journey and all journeys after the 1610 High Street - Heathfield: 1510 (Saturday and School Holidays), 1630 and 1730 Heathfield - High Street, 1710, 1810 High Street - Heathfield.

It was requested the work time journeys be retained.

In view of the number of passengers affected at work times it is recommended that this service continue in its entirety.


Broadhembury - Awliscombe - Honiton

Reduce to run on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday only instead of Monday to Saturday.

It was requested the service continued to operate Monday Saturday.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 368 is in excess of the daily service support criterion. However, see next item.


Broadhembury - Awliscombe - Honiton

Reduce to run on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday only instead of Monday to Saturday.

It was requested that a Saturday service be retained, instead of one of the weekdays.

It is proposed at no additional cost to operate on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday instead of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.


Bradworthy - West Putford - Parkham - Buckland Brewer - Littleham - Bideford - Barnstaple

Reduce to Tuesday & Friday only instead of Monday to Friday.

It was requested a Monday - Friday service be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 372 is far in excess of the support criteria. The reduction is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed.


Ottery St. Mary Town

Complete withdrawal.

It was requested that a service be retained.

An interim continuation on two days a week is proposed pending a possible community transport replacement.


Petrockstowe - Taddiport - Torrington - Bideford - Barnstaple

Withdraw the Thursday journey from Petrockstowe to Torrington and return

It was requested that the Thursday service be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on this service is in excess of our criteria for support. It is recommended that the reduction go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.


Sidmouth - Tipton St. John - Wiggaton - Ottery St. Mary - Gittisham - Honiton - Monkton - Rawridge - Upottery - Smeatharpe - Taunton

Reduce to Wednesday & Saturday only instead of Monday to Friday. Sidmouth - Ottery St. Mary - Honiton section to run on Saturday only. Service to operate via Feniton to replace withdrawn Wednesday and Saturday service 694.

It was requested the service continued to operate Monday Friday.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 387 is far in excess of the support criteria. The reduction is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed, but see next item.


Sidmouth - Tipton St. John - Wiggaton - Ottery St. Mary - Gittisham - Honiton - Monkton - Rawridge - Upottery - Smeatharpe - Taunton

Reduce to Wednesday & Saturday only instead of Monday to Friday. Sidmouth - Ottery St. Mary - Honiton section to run on Saturday only. Service to operate via Feniton to replace withdrawn Wednesday and Saturday service 694.

It was requested the service operated on two week days, instead of one weekday and Saturday.

It is proposed at no additional cost to operate on Monday and Thursday instead of Wednesday and Saturday. (The Sidmouth - Ottery St. Mary - Honiton section would operate on Thursday instead of Saturday as originally proposed.) A local community transport group has expressed an interest in discussing other options.

391/ 392/ 393

Seaton Town

Withdrawal of the Monday to Saturday 1640 service 391 and 1700 service 392 journeys.

It was requested that late afternoon journeys be retained.

In view of the overall number of passengers affected at work times it is recommended that this service continue in its entirety.


Hemyock - Culmstock - Burlescombe - Westleigh - Holcombe Rogus - Sampford Peverell - Uplowman - Tiverton

Complete withdrawal - Friday only service. The Uplowman - Tiverton section, to be replaced by a revised service 697 running on Friday instead of Tuesday

It was requested a service from Hemyock to Tiverton be retained.

Since the bus operator is based in Hemyock, it is possible at no additional cost for Service 697 to start from Hemyock.


Crediton Town

Complete withdrawal - Monday to Saturday service

It was requested that a service be retained.

An interim continuation on two days a week is proposed pending a possible community transport replacement.


Guineaford Bridge - Prixford/Goodleigh - Barnstaple

Complete withdrawal - Tuesday only service. Guineaford Bridge & Prixford sectionto be replaced by a diverted Service 303 journey. Goodleigh section to be replaced by an extension of service 658.

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

As all existing passengers are still catered for it is recommended that the change go ahead as proposed.


Riddlecombe - Ashreigney - Chulmleigh

Complete withdrawal - Tuesday only service.

It was requested the service be retained.

The bus operator is considering an initiative to retain this service.


West Buckland - East Buckland - Filleigh - Chittlehampton - Bishops Tawton - Barnstaple

Withdraw Friday journey. Tuesday journey would leave Barnstaple at 1320 instead of 1230.

It was requested the service continued to operate on two days.

As a lower tender price has now been obtained the service is proposed for continuation on two days as now, this being sustainable within the relevant support criterion.


Ashreigney - Riddlecombe - Roborough - Beaford - St. Giles-in-the-Wood - Yarnscombe - Tawstock - Barnstaple

Complete withdrawal - Friday only service. All points except Beaford to be served by a revised service 322 on Wednesday.

It was requested that the replacement service continued to operate on Barnstaple market day.

It is proposed at no additional cost to change the replacement Service 322 to operate on a Tuesday instead of Wednesday.


Ashreigney - Riddlecombe - Roborough - Beaford - St. Giles-in-the-Wood - Yarnscombe - Tawstock - Barnstaple

Complete withdrawal - Friday only service. All points except Beaford to be served by a revised service 322 on Wednesday.

It was requested the service be retained.

All places on the route will retain a service, albeit on a different day. This change facilitates an overall saving involving Service 322 as well. It is therefore recommended that the proposal goes ahead, modified as per the previous item concerning day of operation.


Holcombe Rogus - Westleigh - Burlescombe - Culmstock - Ashill - Kentisbeare - Ellerhayes - Poltimore - Exeter

Complete withdrawal - Thursday only service. The Ellerhayes - Poltimore - Exeter section to be replaced by a re-routed service 678. Ashill to be served by extended Fare Car F18 to Cullompton

It was requested the service be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 675 is far in excess of the support criteria. The withdrawal is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.


Witheridge - Nomansland - Puddington - Pennymoor - Poughill - Cheriton Fitzpaine - Thorverton - Brampford Speke - Upton Pyne - Exeter

Reduce to Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday instead of Monday to Friday. Withdraw Witheridge - Nomansland section. Brampford Speke & Upton Pyne to be served on Wednesday, & Friday. Tuesday journey to be diverted between Thorverton and Exeter to serve Ellerhayes & Poltimore and not serve Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne.

It was requested the present service be retained.

As the subsidy per passenger trip is in excess of the support criteria, it is recommended that the reduced days of operation and route changes go ahead as proposed (except for one route change, see next item).


Witheridge - Nomansland - Puddington - Pennymoor - Poughill - Cheriton Fitzpaine - Thorverton - Brampford Speke - Upton Pyne - Exeter

Reduce to Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday instead of Monday to Friday. Withdraw Witheridge - Nomansland section. Brampford Speke & Upton Pyne to be served on Wednesday, & Friday. Tuesday journey to be diverted between Thorverton and Exeter to serve Ellerhayes & Poltimore and not serve Brampford Speke and Upton Pyne.

It was requested the service continued to start from Witheridge.

As the operation is linked to a school contract to Witheridge School, the service can continue to start from Witheridge at no additional cost.


Dalwood - Honiton

Complete withdrawal - Saturday only service

It was requested the service be retained.

The majority of passengers are from Otter Valley Caravan Park, which would be served by Service 367, although this gives a shorter time in Honiton than the present Service 684. Due to very low numbers on the remainder of the route and the existence of the alternative Fare Car service, it is recommended that the withdrawal go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.


Honiton - Awliscombe - Dulford - Kentisbeare - Cullompton - Westcott - Langford Green - Norman's Green - Plymtree - Payhembury - Feniton - Honiton

Reduce to Tuesday, Thursday & Friday only instead of Monday to Saturday

It was requested a Monday - Saturday service be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 694 is in excess of the daily service support criteria. The reduction is therefore recommended to go ahead, but operating on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.


Honiton - Awliscombe - Dulford - Kentisbeare - Cullompton - Westcott - Langford Green - Norman's Green - Plymtree - Payhembury - Feniton - Honiton

Reduce to Tuesday, Thursday & Friday only instead of Monday to Saturday

It was requested Service 350 (Cullompton Town Bus) be extended to include Kentisbeare as a partial replacement.

Service 350 is planned to include Kentisbeare


Burlescombe - Westleigh - Holcombe Rogus - Hockworthy - Huntsham - Chevithorne - Chettiscombe - Tiverton

Route to run on Friday instead of Tuesday and to be extended to include Uplowman.

The subsidy per passenger trip on Service 697 is in excess of the support criteria. The reduction is therefore recommended to go ahead as proposed. The revision of Service 397 ensures that no communities are left isolated.


Broadhembury Payhembury - Plymtree - Clyst Hydon - Talaton - Clyst St Lawrence - Westwood - Exeter

Service to operate on Monday instead of Friday

It was requested the service continue to operate on Friday.

Because of inter-working with other services it is not possible to retain a Friday journey. The service however is proposed to operate on Wednesday and not Monday as originally proposed.


Teignmouth - Shaldon - Combeinteignhead - Stokeinteignhead - Netherton - Newton Abbot

Reduce to operate on Friday only instead of Wednesday and Friday.

It was requested the service should still operate on Friday.

The present twice-weekly service is proposed to continue subject to final agreement on a community transport replacement. This being a Section 22 Community Bus, free concessionary travel would continue to be available.


Newton Abbot - Huxnor - Kingskerswell - Coffinswell

To run 15 minutes later in both directions

It was requested that the present timetable be retained.

This minor change was to enable a saving elsewhere. This is no longer operationally necessary, so Service 888 can remain as it is now.


Ashburton Town

Reduced to operate on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday only instead of Monday to Friday.

It was requested that the present timetable be retained.

This change was to enable a saving elsewhere. This is no longer operationally necessary, so Service 898 can continue to run Monday to Friday as now.


Exeter - Stoke Hill Schools


It was requested that school journeys to Stoke Hill Schools be retained.

Supported bus services for non-entitled school pupils are not part of our statutory provision and their removal started in April 2011. The current proposals therefore represent a completion of this process and it is recommended they go ahead. In the case of Service 979 (part of the Service 366 contract) there is a significant cost attached to provide these journeys. Alternative City services exist, albeit involving a longer walk.


Exeter - University - City Centre - Digby

Withdrawal of enhanced frequency during University Vacations. Service would operate half-hourly from Digby to the University Monday - Friday during University Vacations. Withdrawal of Saturday service

It was requested a Saturday service be retained.

Stagecoach will continue to operate a half-hourly frequency on Saturday on a commercial basis.


Exeter - University - City Centre - Digby

Withdrawal of enhanced frequency during University Vacations. Service would operate half-hourly from Digby to the University Monday - Friday during University Vacations. Withdrawal of Saturday service

It was requested the Monday - Friday vacation frequency be retained.

The Monday to Friday frequency reduction during University vacations is proposed to go ahead, subject to any funding which may be provided by the University, with whom discussion are being held.

F5 - Fare Car

Honiton, Combe Raleigh, Cotleigh, Farway, Gittisham, Luppitt, Marsh, Monkton, Northleigh, Offwell, Rawridge, Stockland, Upottery, Yarcombe Fare Car

Reduce to Tuesday and Friday instead of Monday to Saturday.

It was requested the present service be retained.

In view of the low usage and the high subsidy cost ( 7.84 per passenger trip), it is recommended that the service reduction should go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.

F7 - Fare Car

Ivybridge, Bigbury, Bigbury-on-Sea, Challaborough, Kingston, Ringmore, St. Ann's Chapel Fare Car

Reduce to Saturday Only instead of Tuesday and Saturday

It was requested the present service be retained.

In view of the low usage and the high subsidy cost ( 22.95 per passenger trip), it is recommended that the service reduction should go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.

F7 - Fare Car

Ivybridge, Bigbury, Bigbury-on-Sea, Challaborough, Kingston, Ringmore, St. Ann's Chapel Fare Car

Reduce to Saturday Only instead of Tuesday and Saturday

It was requested that Service 875 not be altered as part-replacement for the withdrawn F7 Fare Car day.

Service 875 does not need to be altered and does not offer any saving. It does not in any case offer any direct replacement of the withdrawn part of Fare Car F7. It is therefore proposed to continue Service 875 unchanged.

F9 - Fare Car

Black Dog, Cheriton Fitzpaine, East and West Worlington, Kennersleigh, Loxbeare, Nomansland, Oakford, Poughill, Puddington, Rackenford, Stockleigh English, Stoodleigh, Templeton, Thelbridge, Way Village, Witheridge, Woolfardisworthy and Tiverton area Fare Car

Complete withdrawal - Friday only service

It was requested the present service be retained.

As all the existing passengers will be served by the Tiverton Ring and Ride and the service is used by less than five passengers per week it is recommended that the withdrawal should go ahead as proposed.

F10 - Fare Car

Alswear, Ash Mill, Bish Mill, Bishops Nympton, Chittlehamholt, East Anstey, Kings Nympton, Knowstone, Mariansleigh, Meshaw, Molland, Romansleigh, Rose Ash, Satterleigh, Warkleigh, West Anstey and South Molton area Fare Car

Reduce to operate on Saturday only instead of Thursday and Saturday.

It was requested the present service be retained.

Since the start of the public consultation the Fare Car F10 operator has launched a commercial Budget Car (same as a Fare Car but at a commercial fare) which runs five days a week, Monday to Friday. It is therefore recommended that the supported Thursday and Saturday F10 Fare Car service be withdrawn entirely.

F11 - Fare Car

All Saints, Alston, Broadhayes, Chardstock, Churchill, Dalwood, Furley, Ham, Hawkchurch, Holy City, Membury, Smallridge, Stockland, Chard and Axminster area Fare Car

Reduce to operate to Axminster on Thursday and Chard on Wednesday instead of Tuesday and Thursday to Axminster and Wednesday and Friday to Chard.

It was requested the present timetable be retained.

In view of the low usage and the high subsidy cost ( 8.57 per passenger trip), it is recommended that the service reduction should go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.

F12 - Fare Car

Okehampton, Beaworthy, Black Torrington, Bratton Clovelly, Chilla, Germansweek, Highampton, Inwardleigh, Northlew, Sheepwash Fare Car

Complete withdrawal - Tuesday and Friday service

It was requested that a service be retained.

As all the existing passengers live on bus routes to Okehampton and the service is only used by around four passengers per week, it is recommended that the withdrawal should go ahead as proposed.

F14 - Fare Car

Ashton, Hennock, Trusham, Bovey Tracey, Heathfield and Newton Abbot area Fare Car

Reduce to operate on Tuesday only instead of Tuesday and Thursday

It was requested the service continue to operate on two days.

In view of the low usage and the high subsidy cost ( 8.19 per passenger trip), it is recommended that the service reduction should go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.

F17 - Fare Car

Kingsbridge, Bigbury, Bigbury-on-Sea, Challaborough, Kingston, Ringmore, St. Ann's Chapel, Aveton Gifford, Loddiswell, Churchstow, South Milton, Bantham, Thurlestone, Hope, Malborough, Salcombe area Fare Car

Complete withdrawal - Wednesday and Friday service

It was requested a service be retained.

In view of the low usage and the high subsidy cost ( 12.71 per passenger trip), it is recommended that the service reduction should go ahead as proposed. No communities are left isolated.

F18 - Fare Car

Cullompton, Westcott, Blackborough, Clyst Hydon, Broadhembury, Dulford, Kerswell, Langford Green, Norman's Green, Plymtree Fare Car

To be extended to serve Ashill on Wednesdays

The alteration to Service F18 does not constitute a reduction. The change - in the form of an extended area - is proposed to go ahead as part of the replacement for the withdrawn Service 675.


Dartmouth - Kingswear passenger Ferry

Withdrawal of Winter (November - March) evenings (after 1900)

It was requested the service be retained.

As the Lower Ferry provides an alternative service it is recommended that the reduction should go ahead as proposed.


Exeter - Pennsylvania/ Crossmead

Withdrawal of evening service - from the 2046 High Street - Pennsylvania and 2056 Pennsylvania - Crossmead Monday - Saturday and from the 1846 High Street - Pennsylvania and 1856 Pennsylvania - Crossmead on Sunday and Public Holidays

It was requested that the evening service be retained.

The evening service in its entirety is proposed for continuation within the recommended revised evening service support criterion.


Exeter - Countess Wear - Topsham Quay

Complete withdrawal of Countess Wear - Topsham Quay section - daytime Monday to Saturday service.

It was requested that a service be retained.

It is recommended that a shopping-time service (0930 out; 1230 back from City Centre) should continue on an interim basis pending a possible community transport replacement.


Exeter - Beech Avenue, Sylvan Park, Mount Dinham, Exe Street

Reduced service - Service U to be reduced to three journeys giving a morning shopping service. Service M to retain two journeys.

It was requested the present service be retained.

The subsidy per passenger trip on this service is in excess of the support criteria and the reduction is operationally linked to the Service 366 reduction. The reduced service is recommended to go ahead as proposed. In the longer term a community transport solution would be more appropriate but so far none has been forthcoming.